Battle Pong

  • We do not support those playing on private or unofficial game servers.
  • Please check that our ping lowering program supports your game. If it does not, you can ask us about your particular game.
  • Please try our free trial before purchasing to ensure our lower latency service can help you.
Battle pong unblocked

Time to battle it out in the pong arena. Fight side by side with elves and dwarves against orcs and the forces of evil. Battle of Ia Drang Valley; Part of the Vietnam War (Operation Silver Bayonet I, Pleiku Campaign 1965) Some U.S. Army soldiers air-lifted into LZ X-Ray. Coordinates Chu Pong-Ia Drang complex Central Highlands, South Vietnam.


How to get a lower ping? Start here!

Latest version

DOWNLOAD Battleping 1.6.0 (exe format)
DOWNLOAD Battleping 1.6.0 (zip format)


Select a Server


Click Game Connection then start your game

Less global cooldown lag results in higher dps. A lower ping is a must have for Raids and Arena. Receive less LOS or Out-of-Range errors: Deliver lower ping. Battle Pong Description It's Pong - with a few twists. Hit the shield behind your opponent to score points while protecting your own shield. In addition, you can use power ups by hitting the blue panels on the side walls and using them against your opponent for more damage. Super Party Battle Pong. Quick View Wingman Beer Pong Table. Quick View Fruit Beer Pong Balls - 6 Pack.

I am on the free trial. How do I pay for your lower ping service?


Each time you open Battleping you will see two buttons to select - Trial or Member. If you wish to pay for our lower ping service select Member and then click the Create New Account link.

You will then land up at your registration page. On submitting the form you will be directed to your member page where you can then make payment through the PayPal facility (either PayPal account or Credit Card) or use OffGamers, MOL or any of our other listed resellers to buy a time keycode you can paste into your members area on the website.

More about offgamers and other resellers can be found here


If you play on one computer and then move across to a second computer you just need to deactivate BP first on the one you have finished playing.You will then be able to re-activate BP on the one you intend to play on.Pong

Battle Pong

Also if you go to reformat your machine deactivate BP first. Then re-activate it when ready to play again.If you do need to get a new ID, you can request one in your member's area.