Brain Boost And Agendateach To Be Happy

SupportingOur Brain Health!

On behalf of the Brain Health Initiative (BHI) we are sending positive thoughts of wellness to each of you. The COVID-19 pandemic impacts every person, directly and indirectly, in numerous ways, including brain health at the individual and community level. As the Brain Health Initiative team came together to think through how best to provide support during this crisis, we were driven by the numerous stresses (brain health risk factors) individuals are and may experience and need to build resilience against.

During this time of uncertainty, BHI remains firmly committed to our mission of promoting and protecting brain health and fighting brain illness across the lifespan, through science, innovation, education and action. A trauma like the coronavirus outbreak, and the resulting stress, can threaten brain health in the moment and also can create numerous long term risk factors for future brain illness. With this awareness, the Brain Health Initiative is working to bring preventative resources and action steps to the Florida Suncoast region.

Boosting brain health isalways essential, and especially during times of distress. The question is notwhether we will get through the ordeal that lies ahead— because we will. Theimportant questions, from the Brain Health Initiative perspective, are how wellwe can work together to protect the greater good, to promote brain healthduring this period, to prevent the potential spiral of brain illness, as wellas how much we will learn from this unprecedented challenge and make necessarychanges for the future.

Brain boost and agendateach to be happy birthdayBrain Health BOOSTS: What You Can Do Today To Protect Your Brain Health

Happy chemicals: The secret to a happy brain Almost everything that makes you feel 'happy' is linked to one of the four happiness hormones: dopamine, serotonin, endorphin and oxytocin. Regular exercise can help to reduce stress, feelings of anxiety, and symptoms of depression while boosting self-esteem and happiness. Even a small amount of physical activity can make a difference.

  • Brain Health Boosts are organized by brain health pillar (protective factor).

Cognitive Stimulation

Whether you have five minutes to relax or a year to focus on building lasting habits, here are 16 scientifically-backed ways to boost your happiness levels. A 2011 study showed that thinking about something positive that makes you smile can actually make you happier (fake smiles don't do the trick), while 2003 Clark University research. Startup Life Come On, Get Happy: How Happiness Can Boost Your Brain to Think Better in Business You have the power to rewire your brain to be happier, which can lead to better business thinking.

Emotional Well-being

  • Brain Health Matters and Giving Thanks Makes a Difference

Future Protective Factors

General Health

Brain Boost And Agendateach To Be Happy For You

  • Creating New Habits Make a Difference

Home, Nature and Environment

Meaning and Purpose


Brain Boost And Agendateach To Be Happy Hour

Physical Activity

  • Brain Health Matters: National Take a Hike Day Makes a Difference


Social Connection

  • Quality vs Quantity in Screen Time Makes a Difference-Part 2

Stress Resilience

Music and Film to Boost Brain Health


Brain boost and agendateach to be happy for you

Brain Boost And Agendateach To Be Happy Birthday

  • Brain Health Boost-Week 3 in ReviewBrain Health Boost-Week 4 in Review
Support for Professional Caregivers
Mindful Moments — Mind Body Exercises

Lakewood Ranch, in collaboration with the Brain Health Initiative and their meditation expert, Trish Hart of Hart Mind Body Solutions, will be providing weekly ‘mindful moments’ throughout April to help kick-off your week with a healthy brain boost!
10-15 minute video clips featuring Trish Hart who will provide a ‘mindful moment’ to implement into your Monday routine.
‘Mindful moments’ will include brief meditations, affirmations, short readings, yoga practice tips, and more!
RSVP and invite your friends and neighbors to be notified when a new video is posted on Monday mornings.

Brain Health Playlists
Film Recommendations
  • Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
  • Boyhood (2014)
  • Movies that feature music or musicians: Walk the Line (2005); The Blues Brothers (1980); Love and Mercy (2014); Almost Famous (2000); A Star is Born (1937; 1976; 2018); Amadeus (1984); or Sound of Music (1965).
  • Movies about perseverance: Finding Nemo (2003); Finding Dory (2016); Free Willy (1993)
  • Wizard of Oz (1939)
  • Movies that celebrate mothers: Mrs. Doubtfire (1993); Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002); StepMom (1998); Forrest Gump (1994); Little Women (2019)
  • Movies that Teach Gratitude: Mr. Holland’s Opus (1995); It Could Happen to You (1994); It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)
Harvard Based Public Health COVID-19 Lectures and Resources

Harvard Medical School COVID-19 Webinars (especially for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers)

It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but for many people the holidays can be full of stress. Between the pressure to meet expectations, the shorter, darker days, and colder weather, it can sometimes be hard to feel happy this time of year.

Still, finding ways to be happy is important. It’s no secret that experiencing happiness makes us feel better overall. However, there are also scientifically proven benefits to feeling joy.

Happiness has been linked to better overall health and can even give you an immune boost that helps keep the common cold at bay (and that’s something to be happy about this time of year).

Fortunately, boosting your happiness doesn’t have to be an elusive pursuit. There are quick and easy ways that you can increase your happiness during the day whether you are at work, home, or school.

The next time you’re feeling a little down, give these moves a try. You’re sure to be smiling before long.

Brain Boost And Agendateach To Be Happy Person

Put on your favorite song.

Everyone loves bopping around to their favorite song, and it’s not just because music is associated with good times and celebration. Listening to music has been scientifically shown to release dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter that is also released when we are in love. When you put on your favorite song, your brain can’t help but release chemicals that make you feel better.


If you’re feeling down, take five minutes to listen to music. If you can move around and sing along that’s great, but if you’re in the office or somewhere else that requires subtlely just pop in your headphones and get an instant boost of happiness.

Take a deep breath.

Your mom’s advice from when you were little still holds true today. If you’re feeling flustered or overwhelmed (which detracts from your happiness), take a deep breath. Harvard studies have shown that taking a deep breath can lower your stress, which is a great way to boost happiness. For a quick pick-me-up, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, drawing the breath deep into your belly. For an added benefit, close your eyes and think of something you’re thankful for with each breath.

Call a friend (or even just think about them).

There’s lot’s of research that shows that having friendships is good for overall health, particularly as we age. Some studies also show that the actual support of our friends isn’t as important to our well-being as the feeling that we can count on our friends to be there if we need them.

If you need a boost, call a friend to say “hi,” but make sure not to fall into the trap of complaining about whatever is stressing you out. Instead, take a moment to tell them a highlight of your day or to say that you appreciate them.

There are many other ways to boost your happiness, from doing yoga poses or jumping jacks to get your blood moving to writing down things that you are grateful for.

Instead of scrolling through Facebook or checking the news the next time you’re feeling sad or stressed, take a moment to interrupt those feelings by giving yourself a boost of joy. It’s the ultimate self-care this season.