Getting Seofriendly Content Ideas For Your Blog

Blog Topics to Engage, Educate and Convert Website Visitors Into Customers

  1. Getting Seo Friendly Content Ideas For Your Blog Wordpress
  2. Getting Seo Friendly Content Ideas For Your Blogs
  3. Getting Seo Friendly Content Ideas For Your Blog Page
  4. Getting Seo Friendly Content Ideas For Your Blog For Beginners

Coming up with fresh ideas isn’t easy. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered with these 10 blog topics that will help your company:

Getting Seo Friendly Content Ideas For Your Blog Wordpress

  • Develop relationships with customers,
  • Build trust with prospects, and;
  • Establish thought leadership within your industry.

1. Case studies and customer success stories

A blog niche is a specific topic you’ll write (or create other types of content) about on your blog. Now, the problem is everyone has a different idea of what a “specific” topic is. One of the first blogs I worked on was a video game blog. We offer useful tools, such as Content Assist to all Twenty Over Ten users so that if you are struggling to come up with content ideas for your blog, you can use our pre-made content and edit it to make it your own. With Content Assist, you can choose from different categories, such as retirement, home-buying, young adults, business and much more.

Show how your company’s product or service solves a problem or adds value through firsthand testimonials.

If you already have case studies and testimonials on your website, you can round them up into a single blog post. Either way, just make sure to ask for permission beforehand.

2. Thoughts on industry trends

These types of posts establish expertise and demonstrate that you’re in-the-know about the latest happenings in your industry.

3. Dissenting opinions


People love controversy, and this tactic can be a great way to get more traffic to your blog. Just be sure your post is well-researched and tactful, and be prepared for commenters to share their own dissenting opinions.

4. Book reviews

Getting Seo Friendly Content Ideas For Your Blogs

Have you read a thought-provoking book lately? If the book is on a topic that might interest your readers, turn your review into a blog post.

Even if you haven’t read a review-worthy book in a while, there are plenty of online lists that can point you in the right direction (like one of these top books for entrepreneurs.)

5. Compare related products or services

Help customers make the best decision for their individual needs by writing a blog post that compares several different products and services. You can highlight price, important features and anything else someone would need to know before making a purchase.

This type of blog post provides an opportunity to showcase your own offerings, too.

6. A weekly or monthly feature

A regular theme makes it easy to generate new content week after week, or month after month. Here are two ideas you can try:

  • Customer spotlights
  • Collections of the best online articles you’ve read (as long as they’re relevant to your audience’s needs)

7. An educational series

Publishing a series is another handy way to ensure your company’s blog is filled with relevant and useful information. These posts are especially effective if you’d like to teach a complicated topic.

8. Predict the future

Blog posts that “predict” the future are especially popular at the beginning and end of the year, when people want to know what to expect in the coming months. Don’t forget to publish a follow-up blog that outlines how accurate your predictions were.

9. SEO-friendly blog posts

Getting Seo Friendly Content Ideas For Your Blog Page

You want your content to get found online, which means you need to pay attention to the keywords people are using to find your website and blog. Simply review the Google Analytics data for your site, then write posts on those topics.

To learn more about using Google Analytics to improve your website’s content, don’t miss this quick guide.

10. A list of helpful resources

Getting Seo Friendly Content Ideas For Your Blog For Beginners

With so much content available online, everyone appreciates a curated list of the best resources. Share your favorite websites, podcasts, blogs, and other informational resources with readers, and then invite them to share their own favorites in the comments.