What’s in a Name? Names, whether they belong to people, bands or companies, have the power to communicate something significant. Perhaps this is why so few people name their children Dorcas and Nimrod these days, biblical though those names are. A quest for faeries asks you questions that you may have skipped the answers to. This Final Fantasy XIV What’s In A Name Quest Guide will tell you each of the answers to the different questions the fairy asks you at the end of the quest. For this quest a fairy will ask you to speak with 3 other faeries. They are marked on the map and easily.

'What's in a name?' is a common question people have when they visit our web site. You can enter your name below to find out using the Mathematical Principle as explained by the Kabalarian Philosophy.
The power of a name and its value has long been immortalized in prose, poetry, and religious ceremony. Everyone recognizes himself or herself by name.
The question is: how does a name influence a person's character?
Let us consider what a name is. It is the grouping of several letters of an alphabet, or other symbols, which represent the identification of a person or an object.
What S In A Name Day
The one thing which separates human beings from the animal kingdom is human mind, which has the ability to reason on a conscious level. To think consciously, one must use language. This point is not generally appreciated but it is vitally important. It is impossible to think without language. What allows language to serve in this manner? In the case of languages which have alphabets, letters are placed in a definite sequence in the alphabet, i.e., in the English alphabet, 'A' is always in the first position, 'B' in the second position, and so on. Any alphabet is an alphabet because symbols are recognized by their form or sound in a definite order--change the order and confusion results.
There is more than just sound and alphabetical symbols to language. What is it that language expresses? Is it not intelligence? Is not intelligence a mental power? Do we not learn through education--using language--to develop intelligence, which is recognized as mental growth and the individuality of the personal mind?
What's In A Name Christian
The link between human intelligence, mind, language, and the order of the letters in the alphabet is the key to measuring human mind and solving the major problem of mental discord and imbalance.
We have 1,113,623 names on our web site.
You can change your life through the power of a Balanced Name. If you are already interested in making a name change, click here for the various services the Society of Kabalarians can provide you for this very important decision.
Thought for the Day
What S In A Name 1934
Love is something that should not stay the same, but something that improves with age, something that mellows and develops qualities of understanding that alter as our thinking changes. Our love of life is our conception of life, and the principle of growth allows us to alter our concept of life. –Kabalarian Writings
When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them. –Plato
Logic is thinking based upon principle and is provable, factual, and as closely approaching exact truth as is possible for man to conceive. –Alfred J. Parker
There is more to giving than just doing. It is being: being happy, being principled, being considerate and understanding, being a friend in all ways. And that kind of giving comes from within, because it is the outer expression of Universal Love. –Kabalarian Teachings