How To Use Quizzes And Surveys On Your Website

Jan 20, 2020 A website survey is a way for businesses to gather feedback from visitors about their experience of a website and find ways it can be improved. Website surveys can take different forms, from small slide-ins or pop-ups in a corner to full-page overlays, but they all help website owners and managers collect qualitative insight that sheds light on the ‘why’ behind user actions. Mar 22, 2018 50 Questions You Must Ask to Evaluate the Quality of Your Website. Do you really have a high-quality website that follows SEO best practices? Here is a detailed list of 50 questions you should ask.

  1. Fun Quizzes And Surveys
  2. How To Use Quizzes And Surveys On Your Website Online

Website surveys are one of the most effective methods of collecting customer feedback that you need to improve the user experience for your audience and increase conversions for your business. The key to a successful survey is asking the right questions at the right moment – then visitors are more likely to participate and share their thoughts. In this post, you’ll discover 20 crucial website survey question examples.

Website survey question examples

1. What was your first impression when you entered the website?

The first impression matters. A website of a bank should be trustworthy. A website of fashion e-commerce should look glamorous. Visitors should see what the website is about and what they can do.

Tip: Ask this question on the main page, target only new visitors.

2. How did you first hear about us?

Google Analytics shows that people come to your website from certain channels like AdWords or Facebook campaigns, organic search, etc. But there’s one unknown: direct traffic. Also, people who visit your website through AdWords or organic search might know your brand already.

Asking this question will help you find out what are the strongest marketing channels and where people meet your brand. You might find out that they found you in an article in a newspaper you don’t even know.

Tip: Target new visitors, there’s a higher chance they remember how they found out about you. If you are looking for inspiration, here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to create effective “How did you hear about us” questions.

Free-to-Use How Did You Hear About Us Survey Template

Free plan available. 100 free survey responses included every month!

How To Use Quizzes And Surveys On Your Website

3. What was the one thing that almost stopped you from buying?

Post-purchase surveys can help you optimize purchase path and increase sales. Ask new customers what almost caused them not to buy and turn common answers into changes on the website.

For a real-life example of how such a survey can help your business take a look at this case study.

Tip: Ask this question on a ‘thank you’ page or on the first page new users see after creating an account (for SaaS companies).

Free-to-Use Post-Purchase Survey Template

Free plan available. 100 free survey responses included every month!

4. How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

Long story short – discover your Net Promoter Score. It’s a popular way of measuring customer satisfaction. Track changes over time and spot your potential brand ambassadors. Find out what distractors dislike and improve your score over time.

Tip: Target people who bought something (based on cookies or history of browsed pages) or visit your website multiple times. If you want to get serious about surveying your customers, take a look at our customer satisfaction survey guide.

Free-to-Use 1 to 10 Rating Scale Survey Template

Free plan available. 100 free survey responses included every month!


5. Is there anything missing on this page?

Pages of your website should provide visitors with all the information they need. It works for all businesses: a news website should give readers all information they need about a certain event, product pages on e-commerce websites should show a product, its variants, price, etc. and a help section should answer all question a person can have.

Tip: Set this question to appear after 75% of scroll or more – those users already know what the page contains and they can tell if something is missing.

6. Which of our competitors did you consider before choosing us?

Know your competitors; you can learn a lot from them. But to do it, you must know who you compete with. Sometimes you might be surprised who is considered as your competitor, especially in SaaS sphere where features of many tools tend to overlap.

Tip: Use this question in a post-purchase survey.

Facebook quizzes and surveys

7. What is the primary reason for choosing us over competitors?

Learn what drives people to choose you over competitors. There are dozens of possible reasons and knowing them will help you capitalize on them. For example, asking this very question taught us that many people choose us because we offer direct integrations with tools they already use.

Tip: Use this question in a post-purchase survey.

8. What makes us stand out from the competition?

People might be buying from you for many reasons – from the lowest prices on the market to your strong and appealing brand. Finding out what makes you really stand out from the crowd can help you highlight those features and acquire even more customers.

Tip: Ask this question existing customers.

9. What other products (or product features) would you like us to offer?

People might be reluctant to buy if you don’t offer exactly what they need. Visitors of e-commerce websites might expect different products (read more on this Survicate customer stories), potential customers of SaaS companies might want you to add new features to your product.

Answers to this question will show you what potential customers want, and SaaS companies can build a customer-driven product roadmap and prioritize building new features.

10. What is the most important feature of our product?

Even simple SaaS tools often offer many features. You might be surprised how many customers choose you because of a small feature you don’t even think about. Why?

Because these are small features that truly differentiate you. Find out what are the most important features of your product and highlight them if they are hard to find. Also, think about highlighting them in the onboarding process.

Tip: Target returning registered visitors.

11. Which of the following tools do you use?

With a growing number of SaaS tools, integrations can be a key to differentiation. People often decide to buy a certain tool because it’s integrated with tools they already use.

But how to decide what integrations to build? We faced this problem and resolved it by asking newly registered users what tools they use. It shows us what to focus on, and it also helps us create more effective onboarding.

Tip: Target new registered users.

12. What made you exit the website?

Sooner or later, all visitors will leave your website – not a big surprise. What should worry you is how many visitors leave your website immediately or shortly after entering (this is, bounce off).

Maybe the website loads slowly, looks bad on certain devices or the value proposition is not appealing? Find it out and reduce bounce rates to improve conversion rates and SEO.

Tip: Use exit intent survey targeting people who visited just one page during the session.

Free-to-Use Exit Intend Survey Template

Free plan available. 100 free survey responses included every month!

13. What would you like us to write about next?

All content marketers dream of producing articles that trend on social media one after another and bring thousands of new visitors. But the truth is that it’s almost impossible to achieve without a solid group of returning visitors.

This loyal group will help you promote your blog and maybe they will even convert into buyers. So how to get loyal readers? Write about they want to read, and increase client engagement with content preferences survey.

Tip: Ask this question on a blog when a person scrolled down 80% or more – then you can assume they read or at least scanned the post they are currently reading.

Fun Quizzes And Surveys

Free-to-Use Content Preferences Survey Template

Free plan available. 100 free survey responses included every month!

14. What’s one the most important feature we should add?

SaaS vendors, how often do you hear from customers that you should add a certain feature? I bet often. It’s easy to get lost in suggestions of many users so you should structure your process of collecting feedback about new features.

Ask your users what they would like to add. It will help you build a good product roadmap.

Tip: Target returning registered visitors.

15. What are your 3 favorite blogs?

Guest blogging is an effective and popular way of expanding your reach and getting in front of a new audience. But how to find a good blog to write an article for? You better think about it; I can say from my experience that sometimes a guest post can bring hundreds of users to your website, sometimes just a few.

Look for blogs that your target audience visits. How to find them? Just ask your users.

Tip: Target readers of your blog and active users.

16. What is your preferred payment/delivery method?

For some people, the fact that you don’t offer they preferred payment or delivery method is enough to quit shopping. So make sure you offer all methods popular with your visitors.

How To Use Quizzes And Surveys On Your Website Online

Tip: Target all visitors who browsed at least 5 pages. Use sampling.

17. Is our pricing clear to you?

Creating a good pricing table is a huge challenge for all SaaS companies. We offer different subscriptions packed with different features. For us, the distinctions between plans are crystal-clear. But are they so clear for visitors? Not always.

Tip: target visitors who spend more than average on the pricing page. Also, use skip logic and ask a follow-up question: ‘How can we improve it?’ when someone answers ‘No’ to the first question.

For some great examples of effective pricing pages, take a look at this article

Free-to-Use Pricing Survey Template

Free plan available. 100 free survey responses included every month!

18. What is the goal of your visit?

People have different reasons for visiting your website. Some want to check what you offer, some want to compare you against competitors, some want to buy, and some want to read an article on your blog.

Tip: Target all visitors and then ask those who answered when they are about to leave the website ‘Did you meet the goal of your visit?’. You’ll see completing which goals is the most difficult.

19. Did this article answer all your questions?

What’s the simplest way to reduce the amount of work for your support team? Create a decent knowledge base where users can find answers to your questions without the need for contacting the support.

Asking this question in the knowledge base will help you improve the quality of articles (if they need an upgrade) and further decrease the number of tickets.

Tip: Run this survey on articles in the knowledge base. Trigger it when readers scroll 75%.

20. What do you like the most/the least about our website?

Are you planning any changes on your website? Then ask this question. It’s better not to change things people love because they will feel confused when they return. Start with changing what people hate.

Tip: Target returning visitors.

If you’re interested in more specific questions, take a look at those articles:


If you are working in marketing, maybe you should spend another minute to read: Top 10 Marketing Surveys and Marketing Survey Questions choose by analysis of over 800 surveys created by 96 marketers in Survicate.

Final thoughts

This basic set of website survey questions is a good point to start your adventure with such surveys. If you want to use different website survey questions, make sure they comply with the rules of creating an effective survey to secure high response rates and a good user experience. You’ll find them in our survey best practices post.

Also, remember that website surveys don’t limit you to asking just such questions. You can also use scale or smiley faces questions to find out how people like something. Especially smiley scale questions tend to provide higher response rates.

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