Mac Logger Dx Manual

All the information in your DX or Contest Panel for that QSO will be entered into the log. You can also use the File menu Speed Log Dialog to enter existing paper logs, or the File menu Import ADIF command to import ADIF files from other logging programs. RUMlogNG is a HAM radio logging, QSL handling and printing tool, especially made for the short wave DXer, made by a DXer. Basic logging features are included for the higher bands up to 1.2 cm and for satellite. RUMlogNG can handle an unlimited number of logs and an unlimited number of QSOs per log.

Macloggerdx Manual

Record keystrokes typed

Mac Logger Dx Manual

Free Elite Keylogger for Mac easily records everything a Mac user types on the monitored computer. Easily capture what they are emailing about, discussing on chats, entering into web-forms, etc.

Capture everything copied to clipboard

Clipboard monitoring is extremely important, most of passwords and other critical data is not typed but just copied and pasted. Elite Keylogger for Mac OS X captures all texts copied to clipboard.

Screenshot recorder

Elite Keylogger provides complete visual log of what was happening on your Mac by taking desktop screenshots at configurable timeout.

Get reports remotely via email

Elite Keylogger for Mac silently delivers recorded logs to your email address remotely...

Log user names & passwords [PRO]

Log entered passwords and user names; identify applications where the user logged on: browsers, Facebook, Mail, games, etc. Note: restrictions apply on Mac OS X 10.11 or newer.

Record both sides of chats [PRO]

Elite Keylogger secretly records both sides of Skype, Viber, iChat/Messages and Adium instant messaging conversations. This requires Instant Messengers to have chat history enabled, but it's usually on for 99% of users. All chats are captured in Elite Keylogger's convenient Chats report

Completely undetectable

Elite Keylogger deserved exceptional reputation for being the only true low-core keylogger. For years it has been trusted as the only truly invisible keylogger: no traces anywhere!

Collect web history invisibly

Ever wondered where your teen gets those suspicious contacts in his phonebook from? Are your dearest ones visiting porn or dating websites?
Protect your children from online harassment by staying informed where they go and what they do when online. Keep the online history of visited websites even if the browser log and cookies have been cleared.
With Elite Keylogger for Mac you can even record all social networking and other websites visited by users of your Mac.

Keystroke logging
Clipboard capturing
Screenshots recording
Web-activity tracking
'All Activity' report
Logs' emailing
Smart inactivity detection
Smart filtering
Export to HTML
Logs cleaning
Password capturing *
Chats recording
Premium customer support
Completely undetectable


A computer monitor (known as a Mac keylogger) is an invisible tool that records every keystroke to an encrypted and hidden log file. The recorded logs can be sent secretly via email, we recommend creating a separate mailbox for logs from Elite Keylogger. Keystroke recorders also monitor Internet activity by logging the addresses of all visited websites. Keyloggers monitor the time and title of the active applications, and captures all texts in edit boxes and message boxes. See the comparison table on the right for details on when exactly you might need an upgrade to Elite Keylogger PRO.

Secret word technology

Elite Keylogger for Mac goes beyond the usual hotkey to unhide it when hidden. It implements a configurable secret word, which is the phrase of any complexity that you have to type invisible right on your Mac's desktop to reveal Elite Keylogger from the depths of its memory.

System requirements: macOS 10.6+, 64-bit only

Keyloggers and Law

Keyloggers are completely legal. If you have admin privileges on a personal computer, you may install any software including Keyloggers. That’s why it’s for you to decide – to install a Keylogger or not. If you have a computer or have admin rights from PC owner, it’s totally legal and not prohibited.

Keyloggers and Parental Control


Using Keyloggers and other monitoring software is unethical in most situations. However, according to NNEDV Safety Net Project, children or teenagers living with you don’t possess right of privacy on a personal computer. Parents who worry about their children’s’ activity on the internet may legally monitor the PC. Keyloggers will allow you receiving all necessary information without being detected.

Keyloggers and Employees control

Nowadays many employers use special software to control their staff. Sometimes they inform their staff about it but most often they don’t. Nevertheless, such monitoring is totally legal. In the US there are constant debates about privacy on the job with numerous displeased workers.

Macloggerdx Manual


However, courts usually agree with the employer. Manager is the owner of the computers that are being monitored and thus, he has every right to install any software including hidden ones. The workers should understand the significance of such measures and be aware of it to feel more comfortable on their working place.